Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Commercial Techniques

Commercial Techniques 


Above here is a commercial that uses the techniques called emotional appeal and transfer. By now you probably don't know what that means. Emotional technique is when they give of a feeling of happy,sad or ext. Transfer is when when you use it something amazing will happen. How they use these two techniques in this commercial is that they try to make you laugh when the hamster does funny stuff in the begging of the video,how they use transfer is that they try to say if you buy the car you will be famous like the hamsters at the end.The techniques are importent in the commercial because if you did not have something funny or sad they would not remember the commercial when they go out to buy a car.Also how the transfer technique is useful for them in this commercial is that if they did not use it then what is the purpose of buying if there is nothing special.


I like the commercial above because it was very funny and tells you why to buy you the car, for example near the end of the commercial it show the three hamsters all famous and attractive because of the car.The strategies they used made me buy the product because since they used the emotional appeal when someone goes out to buy a car they might remember the car and thinks it is cool and then finally makes them buy the car.Also since they used the transfer technique at the end the hamsters were "special" so the people who are going to buy the car will buy the car and think they are going to be "special" or famous.I think they tried to targeted the people who want to be famous and love funny commercials.I do think the commercial will make money out of this car because people will start to remember of how "special" and famous you would be when you buy the car.

Top 10 commercial


I like this commercial because it is very funny and the guy acts like a dog for Dorito treats.

This commercial makes me remember of the song gangnam style and how famous it was and still is.


This commercial reminds me of global warming and why we should stop global warming.


I like this commercial because it reminds me of how we can make people feel better.


I like this commercial because it reminds me of how you can stop bullying and that if you see someone then stand up for someone.


This commercial is funny because all that time the old man knew what he was doing.


This reminds me of how you can help make someone feel better.

This reminds me of how we see ads everyday and when the guy puts his glasses on he has ads all
over his helmet.


I like this commercial because when the girl got a Dorito and the dog wanted it the dog got tricked and jumped out the window.


I think this commercial is funny because at the end his wife washed his shirt that had a famous stain.


In the comment section below tell me which one in my top 10 list was the best, also tell why.In my opinion I think that the 1st one was funny because they used the emotional appeal in the funny way.Also in the comments tell what was good in this blog post and things I needed to fix.Then finally in the comments tell me which technique for advertising do you like the most and why.In my opinion I think that the emotional technique is the best because it grabs whoever is watching it they're attention.

Links for articles about commercial techniques 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


110 million years ago a crocodile that was fearless of other dinosaurs roamed the water lands which is now a desert. It tared up other dinosaurs like the T-Rex and ate it for lunch. It was about 8 tons and 40 feet long, which is about 1 whole school bus. None of the dinosaurs even dared to go near the vicious crocodile including the T-Rex. Soon it had died out because of a meteor crash.Well after that their have been sightings of Super Croc. keep reading to read about the sightings and the kills of the new Super Croc.

My Opinion 

I think that Super Croc did exist and their has been more sighting about the crocodile. Although the "New Super Croc" is only half the size I think that it is still like a cousin for it because the Super Croc was 40 feet long and sightings say that they have seen 20-25 feet long. Also there has been sightings about Super Croc like in the documentary above. I belive that there are still relatives of the Super Croc out there and to prove it there has been sightings that have been video taped on put on T.V.

Top 10 Facts about Super Croc

1. Super Croc was about 8 tons
2. It ate other dinosaurs like the T-Rex
3. Ate anything it found
4. Males had a knob on their nose
5.Super Croc was discovered by a 2000 Niger expedition team
6. It lived twice as long as a normal crocodile
7.They roamed the Earth 65,000,000 years ago
8. A baby Super Croc was 15 feet long
9.The fossils came light 20 years ago
10. Overall the Super Crocodile had 100 teeth

More About The "New Super Croc"

There has been recent sightings about The New Super Croc. One in the Philippens it was about  20 or 25 feet long.It had ate a fisher man whole, later on they got the croc and got a pipe and put it down the throat and flushed water down the tube. This way they can see what the crocodile ate. After they caught it they didn't know what to do with it so insted the mayor dicided they would make a park for the crocodile and soon it became the biggest crocodile ever to  live.


I think that The "New Super Croc" is not dangerous at all it will only be dangerous if you mess with it.
I also think that other crocs aren't dangerous for example crocodiles cause 2000 deaths every year but think about it we kill more than that it is estimated we kill about 5000 crocodiles every year. So next time you read something about how dangerous they are think another time and see how many we kill.

Top 4 Pictures on "The New Super Croc"

1. This is Lolong captured and the mayor Edward alorta had to decide what to do with the croc.


This is the teeth of Super Croc.

3. This is Lolong. After they captured him they decided to make money out of Lolong instead of killing him.

4. They found this in the forists and they had to kill it and scientists came and measured it and it was a whopping 30 feet.


Another Article