Tuesday, January 7, 2014

How Rich Do These People Get?


Have you ever wondered how rich people get or who they are or how they do it. Well read on to get your answer. There are many rich people in the world some very well know like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerburg, Kevin Systrom, Mike Krieger and many more people. But have you ever wondered what they do with it. Well some people like Bill gates (2nd richest man in the world) give a lot to charity. Everyone of these people get there money from somewhere for example Steve Jobs got it from apple because he had made the apple company.

What They Do With The Money

Some keep it for there self and give some away for charity some try to find cures and some do not. Bill Gates is one of the richest people in the world and he give almost half or more of it to charity and cures for research for cancer and more things. Some like Steve Jobs can not spend all of it in one life time. Some want more money but do not know what to do with it. The fact is that if you are rich use some of the money for a good cause.

10 Rich People


Carlos Slim is from Mexico and owns Telecom. he is the world's richest man.

   Bill Gates is from the U.S.A and owns Microsoft, he is the second richest man.

    Mark Zuckerburg is from the U.S.A and owns Facebook.

            Steve Jobs is in the U.S.A but unfortunately is dead, Steve Jobs is the owner of Apple.

   Kevin Systrom is the owner of Instagram and lives in the U.S.A

This is a quick video about the top richest people in the world.


All these people have worked very hard on getting there money and some earned it more than others. The problem is that people have to give some of what they get, so they can make a change in the world. 


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