Monday, March 10, 2014

Is TechnologyMessing With Your Brain


Do you ever feel that technology is messing with your brain? Well it is not technology it is just your brain. Gaming, computers iPads and more these all make you better at multi tasking which keeps you prepared for life. Also It gives your way better reflexes like whenever your play video games your play with your fingers and nothing else. This can make you not have an accident while driveing which can save your life and its not just video games its also the computer. Also video games or normal games allow you to think and make choices. In some video games they allow you to make choices. Examples of this are The Sims and Starcraft. Also a very popular game is Minecraft this game allows you to build things out of raw material and can also simulates real life. One impotent reason why technology is not messing with your brain is that technology makes life easier. For example you can search things insted of asking someone. This is why technology is actully making you prepared for life and making things easier.

Top 5 Games That Help You In Life


This helps make dissensions.


This helps you learn.



This game teaches you about farming.


This game simulates family living.


Overall I think that gaming and going computers help you a lot because they can improve you in life. One fun fact is that gaming actually can help your vision. Although gaming and going on computers can help you there are some bad stuff about it, it can hurt your eyes and cause you to not to do your homework which leads to lower grades. But if you control your gaming and how much you use your computer then you will be benefiting your self while having fun.


In the comments tell me what you liked about this blog, did not like and what I could have improved. Also tell me a game that you like it can be any of the top 5 or any of your choices. Thank your for reading my Blog and I hope you have a good day :D


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