Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Steve Jobs and his Company


Have you ever wondered who made the iPhone or Apple, well the person who is behind all this is Steve Jobs. He was born on Febuary 24, 1995. He was born and had lived in San Francisco, California. When he was born or in his early life he got adopted by Paul and  Clara Jobs. His family was a lower middle class family  which ment they were close to poor. One of his major accomplishments is owning Apple and buying Pixar soon after he made Toy Story. 


Three Quotes said by Steve Jobs and My Opinion

1. Innovation distinguishes between a leader and follower.

My opinion about this is that he is right. This means in  my opinion that a invention is not just made by its maker but his followers and people who buy it.

2. Sometimes life hits you with a brick in the head. Don't lose faith.

Opinion 2- I Also agree with this. I think it means that don't give up and just keep on going.

3. Things don't have to change the world to be important.

Opinion 3- I think that this means that something does not have to be famous or anything like that to change the world. Also in my opinion I think that he is correct.

This is a time line about Steve Jobs and his life.


Overall I think that Steve Jobs had done a great job in his lifetime. He has had a lot of achievements in his life so like being the CEO of Apple also inventing the Mac, iPhone and very much more. He is also a friend of Bill Gates (The 2nd richest man in the world) they both were very interested in computers and were successful  in there live. Bill Gates is now the founding father or Microsoft and Steve Jobs is now and forever the founding father of Apple and the first ever CEO of Apple.



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